Saturday, September 27, 2008

Eid Comedy Night!

MAC Youth Learn has joined Carleton University MSA to present this unique event:

Q. Facebook?!

A. Oh yeah! Facebook the event here:

Q. What's the program?

A. Just like it says on the poster, we'll have poetry, skits, videos, etc. We'll be featuring Ottawa's standup comedian, Br. Waseem MoeMoney, insha'Allah! Food will be sold, as well, insha'Allah.

Q. Where is the event again?!

A. It's going to be in the Kailash Mital Theatre (formerly known as Alumni Theatre) in the Southam Hall (SA) Building, at Carleton University. For map of Carleton University:

Q. What time will the event end?

A. We're ending at 10pm, insha'Allah!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Iftars on Campus

MAC Youth Learn
is collecting money and food donations
Iftars on Campus
Serving Iftar for more than 300 students!

"Whoever breaks the fast of a faster in Ramadan, it is a liberation of his neck from Hell Fire..." [Bukhari]

We'll be serving iftars at Carleton and Ottawa Universities, insha'Allah

Please sign up if you'd like to donate some food or money and we'll contact you, insha'Allah...


Registration Closed.

Elhamdulilah, by the grace of Allah (swt), and your wonderful contributions to this project, MAC Youth Learn was able to sponsor two iftars at Carleton University (providing iftar to 300 students on each day!), and sweets at an iftar at Ottawa University. Special thanks to the Muslim Students Associations at the universities for enabling us to share the ajr with them. This wouldn't have been possible without the generous contributions of members of our community. May Allah (swt) reward you for your efforts, and enable us all to be His humble servants, serving Him as best as we can.